Saturday, March 31, 2007

Recipe For Preserving Children


1 grass-grown field
several dogs and puppies (if available)
pebbles and sand
½ dozen children of more
1 brook

Into field, pour children and dogs, allowing to mix well.
Pour brook over pebbles until slightly frothy.
When children are nicely brown, cool in warm bath.
When dry, serve with milk and freshly baked gingerbread.
~Old family recipe~

I just love this little 'recipe'. It is something I keep on my desktop and read often. Although this is a wonderful way to 'preserve' our children, the ultimate way and the ultimate guide is found in the Bible. We are such a blessed people to have a 'handbook' for raising godly children.
Joel 1:3 says "Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their chidren another generation." 'To teach our children is a personal duty; we cannot delegate it to Sunday school teachers, or other friendly aids.'(C.S.)
How blessed we are to have such a wonderful book as the Bible to be our parenting handbook, yet it holds so much more. It is an ever-flowing fountain of knowledge, not just for us as parents, but for us as believers, for all of man-kind, for all that have an interest and want to know of God and His great love.

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