Saturday, September 05, 2009

The back-to-school socialist agenda

As the new school year gears up, public school students throughout this country will be watching our nations leader. On September 8th, as students return to school, our president will make an unprecedented live speech to these children. The fact that our tax dollars are being 'used to indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda' is absolutely appalling! Although in the past we have had our presidents address our school students, those speeches have not been agenda-driven. They encouraged students to stay in school and to stay off drugs. They did not tell children to go home and tell their parents why everyone needs Obamacare. They did not tell children to be open to new things, that the old way of thinking was dangerous.
This speech is coming from a president determined to shove 'Obamacare' down the throats of every American. Sorry it this offends you, but NO, health care is not a right! It is a privilege. Just like owning a home is a privilege, or owning a car.
Let's also remember that this is the president that has given us those not-to wonderful bank bailouts, oh, and all that stimulus money, and let's not forget 'cash for clunkers'. Let us not forget that this is the same man that has done countless things to show a lack of respect for this country and what it is based on. The same man that prides himself on being the first president to openly support homosexual behavior, and even goes so far as to encourage all gay couples to take a stand and get married, despite state laws prohibiting it. How about the fact that his wife, a woman in her 40's announced just over a year ago that for the first time in her life she is proud to be an American? Very impressive destruction for such a short amount of time.
Anyway, back to the back-to-school socialist agenda that will be heading to all public schools next week. What is asked of these students is a far cry from the 'Just Say No' days of our former presidents.
I would like to say if more people would remember what this country was built on, if more people would stand up and say "I am proud to be an American!" If more people would announce I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ, if more people would take a stand, we could, we would win this battle. Sadly, they are slowly silencing every Christian. Right now it isn't with physical violence, but it could be soon. Right now they are yanking our freedoms away from us, and from our children! Right now WE are considered a hateful bunch because we don't 'accept diversity'
What does this have to do with a televised speech to our school children you may ask. The time to indoctrinate someone is when they are still young, when they will easily accept new ideas. They know this. They know that they can get in there, make a speech and all these young children will hear what a great idea this is, or how much better that idea will make our lives, or how if you don't accept this or that then you are not being a very nice person, and we don't want to hurt anyone, right? Teachers will stand in awe of this man that they have elected and the children will hear how he will save us with health care, how he will save our planet, how he will make everyone excepted, not matter who they are.... and every little head of every little school-aged child will bob up and down in agreement. A new little Democrat bobblehead.

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